I am attempting my first ever Toe-up socks: a requested pair for my Mother. What joy to have someone request a knitted item! I took her a bag of yarn to choose from, and after she had completed her selection she remarked, "Why, this isn't an overwhelming yarn stash at all!" heh heh... to which I replied, "Oh no... this is the sock yarn stash!"
All kidding aside: I don't have an embarassing yarn stash at all, due to my woeful location nowhere near a yarn store. The local Ace Harware gleefully offers a huge wall of brightly colored Acrylic (shudder).
My mother's request is even more fun for me, since she used to procrastinate in college by knitting argyle socks on tiny needles. She has offered to dig out her pattern for me, along with a chart she made many years ago for intarsia surfers (hehe!). (Is knitting obsession a genetic trait?)
So the Toe-up pattern: I have made it past the first Toe, due to the wonderful directions by Wendy D. Johnson in Knitty.com: http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter02/FEATtiptoptoes.html
And now I am at the instep. While I can find many confusing directions for heels, I can't find a toe-up pattern that has increases for an instep gusset. Anyone?
I just reversed-engineered the gussets. Even took notes!...that I can barely read...now that I am onto the second sock. I'm sure it made sense at the time!