Take a good look because it is gonna get frogged!
Yes, I began the "Cromarty", by Alice Starmore, from "The Celtic Collection". The pattern calls for 15 50g Rowan DDK (115m: looked up online. This yarn is discontinued...of course!) and I am using 20 balls of 50g (113m) Rowan Wool Cotton. The pattern calls for US 5 needle, and I got Gauge with US 3s. Now: I bought the extra yarn as yarn insurance, since a quick survey online yeilds most people having trouble with the gauge, and only finishing after purchasing more yarn. So, okay, I get 5 extra balls: That should be enough, right? RIGHT? And then I not only make a gauge swatch, but I make 4 of them! FOUR! In order to confirm that I am indeed needing to use a smaller needle. I never have to use a smaller needle. I am a tight knitter. I usually use a needle two sizes too big.
But I forge ahead, and with amazing discipline, ignore the Rockin' Sock Club Monsoon Inside Out socks, vowing to complete the first chart repeat (40 rows). What you see here is 22 rows, about half the 40 row chart that must be repeated four times. It also represents one whole ball of yarn. Meaning, from waist to neckline (not even the top of the shoulders!) will take 8 balls of yarn. Repeated on the Front, that equals 16 balls of yarn, leaving two each for the volumous sleeves.
If I continue with this, I shall run out of yarn.

Option One: Buy more yarn. Pros: Can finish as started in gauge. Cons: Cost. This is Rowan, and I am already over $200 in the hole on this. Add another 12 balls of yarn and this is one expensive project. Also: Availability. I bought 4 of the balls in 2004 (I think) just because I liked them. Late last year, with this project in mind, my genius friend at
Websters was able to find me 16 (and only 16) of the same dye lot! Of course I snapped it up, and I therefore already know I can't get more.
Option Two: Frog and re-knit on larger needles. Pros: Shouldn't run out of yarn. Cons: Frogging. And altering the very beautiful pattern to cut out the required stitches so the thing isn't huge. And altering the neckline. Lots of math.
Well, I am obsessed. And the thing isn't going to knit itself!