This was a Gumdrop Sock with BMFA Goody Goody, the last sock club installment. Where have I been? I have been attending some training that furthers my Scuba diving career. The knitting part of that? I was knitting on this sock, in women's medium, for my mother. My knitting in class inspired another classmate to pick up her knitting that had been neglected for years, and bring it to class. YES! There is nothing like inspiring an inpromtu knitting circle! I hope she keeps going with it.

Unfortunately, when i completed this sock and threw it on the scale, I found I had used quite a bit more than half the yarn I had. After attempting a few modifications and sock yarn stretching excercises, I gave up and ripped it out.
More knitting for me, right?

So I gave those up and began knitting these, the alternate pattern for the last club shipment. These are the Sweet Tart Anklets. Very cute. My mother didn't have a preference for either pattern, just loved the yarn, so now I have completed one sock in the pair. The irony, of course, is that this pattern will use quite a bit less than the other pattern, leaving me with leftover yarn! Arrgh!
Everyone at class was like, "Don't you own any other yarn color?"
Oh yeah, Spoiler alert for those of you still out there who haven't seen this shipment yet. I assume there is no one, since I am always last...