There have been socks: Whale Tails, in a rather busy colorway, for my friend who is off doing whale research in Australia. I didn't get them done in time for her going-away-party so these shall be a "Welcome Home" gift!
Azure Socks, by Deb Barnhill, From Knitty Winter 2007. Steinbach Wolle, in a self-striping, maybe? Way too busy to see the Whale Tail pattern, and the wool felt thin after all the Blue Moon.
More Socks (In Progress): Spring Forwards in a decidedly wintery colorway. I am into dark blues right now. This is STR In The Navy, in Mediumweight. Off the foot, this pattern looks quilted, or entrelac. On the foot, the zigzag and lace is clear. Pretty!
Tiny iPhone Covers: For friends, using leftovers from socks. All Blue Moon Fibers. These are numbers 8 and 9 out of 10.
Stash Enhancement: Club package for May 2010, in Sweet Pea. Very delicate. My first thought was, "I don't want white socks! They will get dirty!" Which is funny, because most people in the nation have white socks. Just us crazy knitters who proclaim loud colors and want pristine socks. My second thought was, "OoOooh! Ada Lovelace is one pretty pattern! I guess I shall have white socks!"

The other is dark grey wool for a commissioned diving shrug!