These socks don't fit me, because they are not for me. I knit these up for my cousin, who apparently loves warm wool socks! I am constantly amazed when people like socks, because I am surrounded by people who hang out barefoot. Or with slippahs.
My cousin is going through breast cancer treatment, and in the face of all this, she remains amazingly giving: She keeps all her cousins and relatives informed, and is even going through further testing to see if we are at risk (genetic pre-disposition).
It was nice to knit these for her. It was nice to think about her with each stitch, to send her good thoughts. And somehow the cloning anemone pattern reminds me of the repetition of good, healthy cells.
Also? The very last Blue Moon Rockin Sock Club installment came in the mail! I love the color on the skein but worry about how it will look all striped up?