Monday, June 04, 2007

New Sock New Beach

I took my sock to the beach. My knitting recently has been squeezed in between working and diving and relationship and family and writing. New on the needles is this sock, the February Socks that Rock club installment in deliciously warm and cozy wool dyed in stormy colors and named "Monsoon".
Seems rather inappropriate beach knitting: Warm, Stormy, Wooly, Thick and double ribbed. Not to mention: Hello? I just started the FEBRUARY sock club sock...
Also on the needles:
A baby sweater in the wrong gauge.
That Cromarty Aran sweater in the wrong gauge.
A cozy little house sweater was began (in the wrong gauge) and ripped out so I could give DBF the yarn for a baby blanket he is whipping up (yup: That makes project# 3 for the new knitting man! yay!)
This beach trip was a spontaneous side trip during the surface interval between two shore dives he and I did on Saturday. Neither of us had been to this beach park, so after a bumpy off-road truck ride, we grabbed the small cooler and a towel, locked up the dive gear, and hung out at the beach for a bit.
Guess what he said when I pulled the sock out of the cooler and started a new row? Nope. Guess again.
"No fair! I was gonna bring MY knitting then didn't!"


bockstark.knits said...

yeah, really, STR on the beach? the april one would've been more appropriate! :)

Unknown said...


He's a newbie, so we'll let him slide. Hee.